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Consumer Price Index

Unemployment Rate

GDP Rate of Growth (Constant Prices)

International Merchandise Trade

CPI Indicators
Consumer Price Index Point to Point Rate (%)5.7
(September 2024)
Consumer Price Index Monthly Inflation Rate (%)-0.2
(September 2024 )
Consumer Price Index Calendar Year-to-Date Inflation Rate (%)2.8
(September 2024 )
Consumer Price Index Fiscal Year-to-Date Inflation Rate (%)4.7
(September 2024 )
Consumer Price Index140.5
(September 2024)
Labour Force Indicators
Labour Force Survey Labour Force Participation Rate68.8
( April 2024)
Labour Force Survey Employment to Population Ratio65.9
( April 2024)
Labour Force Survey Unemployment Rate (LU1)4.2
(April 2024)
Labour Force Survey Combined rate of unemployment and time-related underemployment (LU2)5.9
( April 2024)
Labour Force Survey Combined rate of unemployment and potential labour force (LU3)5.7
( April 2024)
Labour Force Survey Composite measure of labour underutilization (LU4)7.4
( April 2024)
Labour Force Survey Youth Unemployment Rate14.8
(April 2024)
Labour Force Survey Youth Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET) Rate19.1
( April 2024)
Other Indicators
Producer Price Index Mining & Quarrying195.7
(August 2024)
Producer Price Index Manufacturing278.0
(August 2024)
GDP Rate of Growth of Value Added at Constant (2007) Prices Seasonally Unadjusted (%)0.2
(Apr - Jun Quarter 2024)
International Merchandise Trade Exports (US$000)176.3
(May 2024)
International Merchandise Trade Imports (US$000)580.3
(May 2024)

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