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The Jamaica Standard Occupational Classification (JSOC) 2015 organizes similar occupations into a structured list of distinct categories. It is based on the 2008 International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) produced by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Featured in the 2015 revision are descriptions of each occupation including a summary, major tasks, qualifications, skills required and related occupations. The major occupation groups are:
Click here to view the Jamaica Standard Occupational Classification (JSOC) Portal
The Jamaica Industrial Classification 2005 (JIC 2005) is a classification of economic activities associated with the production of goods and services in Jamaica. JIC 2005 was first published in October 2008 and is modelled off the 3rd revision of the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC Rev.3) produced by the United Nations. The JIC 2005 broad structure orders all economic activity into 17 sections or industries.
The Jamaica Industrial Classification (JIC) is a hierarchical classification that is graded into a five-tiered pyramid structure and supported by a 5-digit alpha-numeric coding system. At the highest level or tier of the hierarchy is the 'Section' that broadly represents an industry grouping in the Jamaican economy. There are seventeen (17) such Sections in JIC 2005 and these constitute the broad structure of the industrial classification.