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Female Population 3-17 Years Old and Over Enrolled in Institution/Programme by Attendance at School during the First Week of March 2011 by Parish
Parish  Total Days Attended School during First Week of March 2011
5 Days 3-4 Days 1-2 Days Did Not    Attend Not stated
All Jamaica 349,353 316,737 23,697 1,728 1,039 6,152
Kingston 11,962 11,226 370 150 25 191
St Andrew 66,764 62,787 2,236 283 128 1,330
St Thomas 12,563 11,365 777 69 77 275
Portland 10,917 10,125 561 48 24 159
St Mary 15,076 13,734 987 38 55 262
St Ann 23,043 20,755 1,677 180 87 344
Trewlany 9,939 9,194 590 12 22 121
St James 23,636 22,078 991 55 43 469
Hanover 9,475 8,602 591 27 16 239
Westmoreland 19,602 17,354 1,935 63 57 193
St Elizabeth 19,784 17,131 2,232 110 73 238
Manchester 24,237 20,987 2,667 174 81 328
Clarendon 35,100 29,975 4,147 261 156 561
St Catherine 67,255 61,424 3,936 258 195 1,442