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Labour Market & Earnings: Labour Force ||Employment & Earning
Employed Labour Force by Number of Hours Worked During Survey Week 2011-2013
*January July October *January April July October January
TOTAL 1,106,500 1,083,600 1,088,900 1,083,400 1,081,300 1,094,700 1,088,200 1,093,200
 Under 9 hours 58,500 17,900 17,000 49,700 10,400 17,700 13,500 45,100
  9 to under 17 hours 27,900 22,800 25,800 18,600 24,800 18,700 19,500 22,300
 17 to under 25 hours 42,500 35,800 38,200 32,100 32,800 40,100 38,000 34,000
 25 to under 35 hours 64,000 54,800 55,000 53,100 54,800 63,400 57,400 58,500
 35 to under 41 hours 428,400 443,000 456,200 407,700 447,800 445,600 460,400 430,000
 41 to under 49 hours 185,300 199,200 204,300 203,500 210,200 206,000 202,600 194,400
 49 hours and over 299,900 310,100 292,400 318,700 300,500 303,200 296,800 308,900
TOTAL 620,400 620,000 624,500 614,800 610,900 619,400 617,600 619,300
 Under 9 hours 18,200 6,800 5,400 11,800 3,900 7,200 7,000 14,200
  9 to under 17 hours 11,200 8,400 9,800 8,800 11,400 7,100 9,200 9,000
 17 to under 25 hours 23,000 18,000 16,800 14,000 14,600 17,800 18,000 18,600
 25 to under 35 hours 33,500 30,100 31,500 30,100 29,500 34,200 30,400 33,000
 35 to under 41 hours 223,500 221,300 232,000 208,800 217,800 219,200 222,000 218,500
 41 to under 49 hours 117,500 126,800 132,400 126,700 135,600 130,000 129,000 121,700
 49 hours and over 193,500 208,600 196,600 214,600 198,100 203,900 202,000 204,300
TOTAL 486,100 463,600 464,400 468,600 470,400 475,300 470,600 473,900
 Under 9 hours 40,300 11,100 11,600 37,900 6,500 10,500 6,500 30,900
  9 to under 17 hours 16,700 14,400 16,000 9,800 13,400 11,600 10,300 13,300
 17 to under 25 hours 19,500 17,800 21,400 18,100 18,200 22,300 20,000 15,400
 25 to under 35 hours 30,500 24,700 23,500 23,000 25,300 29,200 27,000 25,500
 35 to under 41 hours 204,900 221,700 224,200 198,900 230,000 226,400 238,400 211,500
 41 to under 49 hours 67,800 72,400 71,900 76,800 74,600 76,000 73,600 72,700
 49 hours and over 106,400 101,500 95,800 104,100 102,400 99,300 94,800 104,600
Note: Data for Jan 2013, 2012, October & July 2011 have been compiled using new End of Year 2011 population estimates    
Note: * There was a holiday in survey week   
Dated May 21,2013 Click to Print This Page
Last Updated: July 18, 2014
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