

The use of classification systems for the ordering and presentation of data is beneficial to both the producers and users of statistics as it facilitates data sharing among producers and supports the production of consistent and comparable data for analysis by users.

This page provides information on the most recent statistical classifications that have been developed for Jamaica.

The Jamaica Industrial Classification 2005

The Jamaica Industrial Classification 2005 (JIC 2005) is a classification of economic activities associated with the production of goods and services in Jamaica. JIC 2005 was first published in October 2008 and is modelled off the 3rd revision of the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC Rev.3) produced by the United Nations. It replaces the Jamaica Industrial Classification of 1987 (JIC 1987).

The revised JIC features the following:-

  • A broad and detailed Classification Structure
  • Annotations that explain the activities that are included at the class level and point to where related activities are found >
  • Conversion Tables that compare the classification categories and associated codes with those of the previous version of the classification
  • An Alphabetical Index.

The JIC 2005 broad structure orders all economic activity into 17 sections or industries compared with 10 recorded in the previous edition of the JIC.

The detailed classification with over 300 Classes and more than 780 detailed activity groupings is available in the publication.

The Jamaica Standard Occupational Classification 1991

The Jamaica Standard Occupational Classification of 1991 (JSOC ‘91) is the national standard currently used for classifying occupational information obtained from population censuses and sample surveys in Jamaica. It adopts the basic framework and principles of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) produced by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and is based on the 1988 edition of ISCO (ISCO ‘88).

JSOC-‘91 is currently undergoing revision. The revision is intended to bring the classification structure in line with that of ISCO-2008 and will reflect the most recent developments in the Jamaican labour market, changes in employment patterns and the emergence of new occupations.

More information on the revised Occupational Classification will be provided as soon as it becomes available