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Census of Agriculture 2007 Click to Print This Page

Census of Agriculture 2007
Preliminary Report

February 23, 2009

The conduct of the 2007 census was guided by the principles and recommendations of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) World Programme for the 2010 round of censuses, covering the period 2005-2014. Jamaica adopted the recommendation of the FAO to use a modular approach that aimed at minimizing cost while still meeting the needs for a wider range of data. This approach comprises a core census module to collect data on a limited range of key structural items and supplementary modules after the core census module to provide more detailed structural data. The plan adopted for Jamaica, is for STATIN to conduct the core module and the Ministry of Agriculture to conduct sample surveys to collect the more detailed data in the years following the census. The census will provide the frame for the selection of the samples required to conduct the survey modules.

The subjects covered in the report are related to the farms; number and area for parishes and size group, land use and main activity and for the individual holders; age, sex and educational attainment. The report also contains an appendix presenting the list of items recommended by the FAO for consideration for the supplementary modules. Two additional reports presenting final data will be published by August 2009.

The Census of Agriculture 2007 Preliminary Report is now available in both printed and electronic forms, and may be obtained at our Distribution Office, 7 Cecelio Avenue Kingston 10.

Last Updated: July 18, 2014
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