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Labour Force
The labour force includes all persons who were in any form of economic activity for one hour or more during the survey week; all persons who had jobs but were absent from work during the survey week; all persons who had no job and were looking for work and all persons who were not looking for work but wanted work and were in a position to accept work during the survey week. The employed labour force is made up of all persons 14 years and over in employment; that is all persons working (whether for their own account or as employees) for at least one hour during the survey week, together with persons who had jobs but were not working during the survey week.

The unemployed are those persons “looking for work” together with persons “Wanting” work and “Available” for work. The latter category includes persons who were, during the survey week, actually engaged in home or other duties classified as Economic Activity, but were willing and able to accept work.

Any persons over 14 years of age who were not included in the employed or unemployed groupings are considered to be outside of the labour force.
Last Updated: July 18, 2014
© 2025 Statistical Institute of Jamaica